Toggle search bar MY CART ( ) CHILDBIRTH IN THE GLORY DIGITAL PACKAGES POWER PORTALS STUDY GUIDES BOOKS MUSIC // TEACHING CDs DVDs DEVOTIONALS ANGELS GLORY CLOTHING ARTWORK Search... Search Submit SELECT A CATEGORY CLOSE MENU Nav Menu 2 Nav Menu 3 Nav Menu 4 Nav Menu 5 Nav Menu 6 Nav Menu 7 Nav Menu 8 Home > MUSIC // TEACHING CDs > Childbirth in the Glory (2008 Version) - Janet Mills (CD) Our Price: $9.99 Quantity in Stock:(Out of Stock) Availability:: Usually Ships in 24 to 48 Hours Product Code: CD-13 Qty: Description Childbirth in the Glory is a supernaturally anointed CD which will release God's promises for conception, pregnancy, delivery and dedication over your life. For many women pregnancy is oftentimes a season of sickness, mood swings and stress followed by tremendous pain and hard labor. Some married couples have even been told that they can never conceive a child, while others have suffered the pain of one miscarriage after another. As a child of God and citizen of heaven this is not the way God intended for it to be! This CD contains promise scriptures and anointed declarations set to beautiful soaking worship music intended for a pain-free and supernatural Childbirth in the Glory!Includes the following tracks:1) The Promise2) Declarations for a Childbirth in the Glory3) Entering into the Rest4) Birthing5) Consecrated unto the Glory6) Prayer for all Children - by Lincoln Mills(Tracks 7-12 are instrumental soaking worship)Total Time: time: 65:12 Related Items Moving in Glory Realms - Joshua Mills (Audio Book) Power Portals: Awaken Your Connection to the Spirit Realm - Joshua Mills (Audio Book) Opening the Portals - Joshua & Janet Mills (2 CD Set) Christmas Miracle - Joshua Mills (CD) Our Price: $39.99 Our Price: $39.99 Our Price: $9.99 Our Price: $9.99 Prayer Power - Joshua & Janet Mills CD No Limitations EP - Joshua Mills (CD) Activating Angels In Your Life - Angelic Activations & Heavenly Encounters (2 CD Set) Experience His Glory - Joshua & Janet Mills (CD) Our Price: $9.99 Our Price: $9.99 Our Price: $9.99 Our Price: $9.99 Share your knowledge of this product. Be the first to write a review »