Toggle search bar MY CART ( ) CHILDBIRTH IN THE GLORY DIGITAL PACKAGES POWER PORTALS STUDY GUIDES BOOKS MUSIC // TEACHING CDs DVDs DEVOTIONALS ANGELS GLORY CLOTHING ARTWORK Search... Search Submit SELECT A CATEGORY CLOSE MENU Nav Menu 2 Nav Menu 3 Nav Menu 4 Nav Menu 5 Nav Menu 6 Nav Menu 7 Nav Menu 8 Home > MUSIC // TEACHING CDs > Holy Oil - Joshua Mills (CD) Our Price: $9.99 Sale Price: $10.00 Product Code: CD-37 Qty: Description As you listen to this album, your heart will be captivated by the sound of God's glory, as Joshua Mills leads you into worshipping in Spirit and truth. Invite the Spirit to come and immerse you within the depths of His holy oil. Be prepared to receive your healing and a fresh impartation as you saturate in the Spirit. These new songs and sounds carry the atmosphere of revival. This album is Joshua's latest praise and worship album.Tracks include:1) Oily Anointing2) Spirit Come3) Heavenly Tongues4) Drip By Drip (Oil & Wine)5) Holy Laughter6) Oil of God7) Dwell in Me (O Blessed Spirit)8) Light One Candle Related Items Activating Angels In Your Life - Angelic Activations & Heavenly Encounters (2 CD Set) No Limitations EP - Joshua Mills (CD) Reversing the Clock - Joshua Mills (CD) Experience His Glory - Joshua & Janet Mills (CD) Our Price: $9.99 Our Price: $9.99 Our Price: $9.99 Our Price: $9.99 Childbirth in the Glory: Soaking, Scriptures & Prayers - Janet Mills (CD) SpiritSpa 2 - Joshua Mills (CD) Opening the Portals - Joshua & Janet Mills (2 CD Set) Christmas Miracle - Joshua Mills (Songbook) Our Price: $9.99 Our Price: $9.99 Our Price: $9.99 Our Price: $19.99 Share your knowledge of this product. Be the first to write a review »